The Foundation
of Technological Development
and Children Intelligence

Yayasan Pengembang Teknologi dan Intelegensi Anak (YPTIA)

"create the wider future"


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We continue to act and campaign for the importance of the future of the world by reaching more and more children as the next generation of world civilization to have the ability and opportunity to manage for the better future of the earth.

We continue in conducting the research, developing, and dissemination of material about children in Indonesia. And our work is based on empirical data, careful research, and detail analysis. We believe that the information we have collected, can lead us to change in a broader future for children.



Resources for Teacher

Access lesson plans and other materials for teachers. And our lesson plans have helped the teachers to develop their teaching process and guide them to get sustainable goals in the classroom for children with special needs.


Resources for parents

Help your child to reach their full potentials. Our program can be accessed by parents through seminars, family camps, family accompaniment, education for parents, social media and others. And it is hoped that this program will continue to help children develop to reach their full potential.




Tian a 7 year old boy and experiencing psychomotor disorders (Cerebral Palsy) with hands and feet is not functioning optimally. When we first met, he has not been able to walk only crawl and his communication  still needs a lot of stimulus, but cognitively Tian has no problem. Seeing that we are very motivated to help Tian to achieve what he and his parents expected. As a child with physical and incredibly cognitive limitations, Tian hope to be like other children, play, run, jump, have many friends and dreaming to be a super hero who can help many people. Children who experience such conditions as Tian, ​​with limited costs and insight into his family made him very dependent with limited-paced environment. "I want my children could enjoy a successful future as other normal children." Said the Tian’s parents.

YPTIA cooperating with various parties including those who open their heart and are moved to seek a caring children program with special needs based in the society. Where children like Tian can be reached individually by our volunteer team that also get a good education without being disturbed by the state of his special physical or mental condition.

Become a Volunteer

Joining as a volunteer, you can directly participate in social programs with us.


We are proud of our children, they are great and look like normal children who are full of dreams and hopes for their future ...



We are happy when our children aspire to be an engineer who wants to make the best train in the world ...




We were touched when they diligently wrote about their future and beautiful hopes for their families ...




We are happy when she tells and draws about what doll gift she wants ...




We are excited to help them to reach their dreams of wanting to create the world with full of love for children….





YPTIA fights for the ideal development of children and their rights. We invite you to join us to have a real impact on the lives of children in Indonesia.

  • Every child has the right to the best opportunity from birth to birth. Psychological support, education, fulfillment of nutrition, to the hope of broad children's future opportunities. And you can help to fulfill those needs and opportunities become reality. Your assistance and participation will help us make a broader future for the lives of children in Indonesia.
  • We write and document various things about children. His dreams, hopes, desires and struggles. For those of you who are interested in children's lives, find their stories on our social media on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and please share them with your friends. If you are interested as a writer or photographer, please join us, making a variety of major changes through your writing and photography inspiration.
  • We together with you can change the world for the better. With the right spirit, insight, skills, experience, and motivation you can, and you can join to be a part of our team.
  • We are fighting for broader opportunities for children through government support policies.
  • Fighting for your voice or you who represent the voices of people to be heard and become part of positive social change in society. In our community where you can talk about issues that are important to you and inform decisions that affect you.

  • Become a Volunteer

    Joining as a volunteer, you can directly participate in social programs with us.



Every day our team always meet with various children's characters. We tell various things related to his world and the importance of our role for the future of the earth. We invite children to love the earth which is important for the survival of life. They are all very happy.


Do you love the world of children? Do you have the capacity and motivation to share many good things with children? Yeah, you are the person that we looking for to join our team! But if you are busy, please donate to reach the broader future of the children through our programs.


Let us together directly support children in Indonesia:

Donate Now

Your donation is needed for the hopes and future of children who need it.
Let's invite your friends to play a role in helping them.

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What we do


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